Essence Blog

When the world feels like its spinning.

Uncategorized Feb 20, 2025

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society"-Jiddu Krishnamurti



On January 20th, I woke up with vertigo. The world was spinning, and I felt completely out of control—the metaphor wasn't lost on me.


The state of our world can feel just as disorienting. We live within systems built for profit, power, and control—often at the expense of the well-being of people and the planet. We're told there are only two sides, each vilifying...

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My 50th Birthday

Uncategorized Feb 13, 2025

On February 1st (Imbolc) , I turned 50. For months, I wasn’t looking forward to it. Not because of the number, but because I wasn’t sure how to celebrate it. It’s an important milestone, and I felt like it needed to be celebrated in a big or special way. But all I felt was pressure to decide. I made a list of possibilities, but none of them made it beyond the idea stage.

The truth was that I was really exhausted. October through January didn’t include the rest I...

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Embracing the Quickening

growth spring Jan 31, 2025

For the past two Thursdays, I have tried to write an email to you about what I was feeling and thinking about the world right now. I couldn’t get the words right.

It’s ok. They will come.

But what I do know is that focusing on keeping ourselves cared for and grounded —and then extending that care into our communities, both local and online—is more important than ever. One of the ways I personally stay grounded is through reflection and ritual, which brings me to this...

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New Year Overwhelm

 The past few months have been a lot- from a packed work schedule to lots of responsibility and some hard emotional things.  Frankly, I'm nine days into the new year and feel behind, overwhelmed, and depleted. Even after two weeks without client sessions, I didn’t get the time off to recharge as intended.  I was feeling a little cranky about it.


Also, Ethan just left to return to college early to celebrate his 21st birthday tomorrow (), and I'm...

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🌟 My 2024 Personal Recap

new year review vision Jan 02, 2025

Welcome to 2025! How are you feeling? As I write this, I'm still in 2024, soaking in the reflection and releasing the past year.

I've been working on my own Reflection Ritual, and I hope you find a moment to look back on the highlights, challenges, and lessons of 2024. While, I'm still processing the challenges and lessons, it was uplifting for me to remember this year's highlights.

Highlights of 2024:

  • We celebrated my husband’s 50th and took an unforgettable trip to Paris.
  • Family...
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Let’s Hurkle Durkle

As the holiday whirlwind settles, I know some of you may be feeling like me- a sense of depletion -physically, emotionally, and spiritually. And even if you’re not, winter has wisdom for us.   

During the Winter Solstice ritual I led for the Reflection Ritual, I spoke about how winter asks us to release not just the year itself but also the old fears, beliefs, and identities we've outgrown. Winter is a time of death and a sacred pause before rebirth. In this in-between time,...

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My Favorite Things (Right Now)

Uncategorized Dec 20, 2024


This week, I’m sharing some of my favorite things with extra items in the product section since so much is on sale this week. I'm sending lots of love your way this week.

This Poem: 

These Podcast Episodes: 

Unlocking Us: Brené Brown with Dr. Mary Claire Haver on the New Menopause

For the Love: Jen Hatmaker interviews Tim Shriver on Building Bridges

This Recipe: 

Thai Red Curry Chicken: I also make this with red lentils!


This Holiday Tradition...

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Holiday Magic Makers aren't the Elves

This email is a bit later than planned. Like many of you, I've been feeling a little overstretched this week. Yesterday, there was a seven-hour internet outage that added to the chaos. I’m fully in the end-of-year holla-daze. ‍ And I'm also leaning into the goodness of the season. Speaking of...

Beloved holiday memories, traditions, and feelings of connection and good cheer around this time of year aren't because of Santa’s Elves. It’s because of the effort...

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Why fun matters right now.

I had an amazing weekend celebrating my friend Linda’s 50th birthday! We’ve been friends for almost 20 years despite living miles apart—she’s in Massachusetts, and I’m in Florida. I was reminded once again about the power of something I’d taught about for many years and had felt disconnected from lately. The power of play and our inner magical child. 

Despite what has been going on in my world and in my life lately, hanging out with seven other women...

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What season are you in?


The season has officially shifted. Depending on where you are in the world, you are either in Autumn or Spring for the last quarter of the year. 


I led a Fall Equinox ritual on Monday, and during that time, we looked at what we wanted to do, accomplish, shift, or complete before the end of 2024. And while thinking about that is important, what is more critical is identifying your real priorities for the season. This cannot be a list of 15 things because then they...

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