Ever felt like you’re not enough?

You’ve probably heard people talk about core limiting beliefs. They are the central painful story and negative assumption you’ve told yourself, often stemming from experiences, wounds, and conditioning while growing up.  

These beliefs become ingrained in our subconscious, and our brain looks for evidence to prove them true. Energy goes where our attention flows. You can imagine how this belief holds us back in immeasurable ways.

My core limiting belief was... I’m not enough. Turns out many of us have felt that way. Just in case you or someone you know needs to hear this today, let me remind you…  

Not being enough is an illusion. 

You have always been so much more than enough.  

It’s not YOU. 

What if it’s the cultural, conditional, systemic DYSFUNCTION? What if the support and the systems are inadequate? What if it’s the societal expectations and demands that are too much?  

Despite what your brain tells you, success and failure are not based on your enoughness.   

Success and failure are perceptions πŸ”­, and they are determined by many different factors, including judgments, skills, qualities, capabilities, perseverance, opinions, mindset, connections, ideas, practicalities, environment, privilege, confidence, and pure luck (to name just a few).  

This negative belief negates the divine beauty of our essence and wholeness. It wastes our precious time, energy, and talents and robs us of bigger dreams and more aliveness.  

Pause. Take a breath. Ask your heart. πŸ’–

What is a belief in  “not enough” robbing you of right now?  

What would believing in your innate enoughness change?  

Which belief gives you more peace, empowerment, and confidence? So let’s start choosing it.  

What if instead of saying you aren’t enough, you focus on what you want to learn, acquire, develop, release, figure out, etc., to work on your dreams? 

Suffering in your not-enoughness is no longer aligned with what you and the world need right now. (read that again). 

You’ve always been enough. 

You were born that way. 


#Limiting beliefs, #Core beliefs, #Self-worth, #Self-esteem, #Personal growth, #Empowerment, #Self-acceptance


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